Looking Forward - 2015 Almanack - Notable Deaths July - December.
- July 2 - Porfino Topul, Mexican writer, author : "Down and Out In Sodom and Gehmorrah" (1996) "Pickled Squirrel Pie" (1997) screenplay "Razors for Gauchoes" (1998, filmed 2017, 2043). Post-humous Nobel for Literature - "Borges' Books For The Five Blind Prophets" [manuscript recovered 2018] (2022). Controversy later suggested books may have been written by his partner Josie. "Porfino or Josie : Mexico's Cultural Divide" (2044).
- July 16 - Ellen Witgenstahl - American, co-founder of Seven-Day Absenteeism - philosophy based on rejection of the work ethic. (b. 1987). Latter split (2017) gave rise to the Lazy Day Saints.
- August 20 - Bombing of Ukraine Government Building (empty)
- Cythia Finlay, passerby - selfie shows bomber. (b. 1983)
- The Unknown Bomber - neither his identity, nor the nature of his grievance would ever be certain. However thanks to Cythia we know him to have been male (visually) and also caucasian (visually). (b. ?)
- August 26 – Bobby Farrielly Jr - American producer of 'gross out comedies' (b. 1958) First degree burns from pie. Circumstances unclear.
- August 31 - Salome Lou-Mele - Country and Western Singer. "A Cowgirl's Lament For A Dead Pony" (1997) "Ever since I couldn't get my mind off of you" (1998) "Singing to the High Lonely Stars" - with Linda Rhonstadt (1999). Later, third wife of Mercia Thrush (2005), and UN Good Will Emissary (2007). (b 1979)
- September 1 - Phillipus Stramm - Second Cello, Orchestra of Bolivia, killed in duel (b.1974)
- September 9 - Cassimir Stramm - 1st Cello, Orchestra of Bolivia, suicide (b.1974)
- September 11 - Claimed number of un-named deaths during 9/11 re-enactment in Ohio. Scopes suggests this is hoax (Oct 19). Youtube video circulates (Oct 22).
- September 13 - The seven members of the Penfold family, cf The Woolford Street Murders.
- September 26 - Mikhail Gorbachev, Former Soviet Premier, and archetect of Glastnost (b.1931)
- September 27 - George Osborne, Missing following 'Bitchgate' revelations, believed dead.
- October 12 - Dame Shirely Porter, former UK politician, killed in car accident in Israel (b 1930)
- October 23 – Paul Sorley, British poet, Notable poem(s) "Cluster Munitions Have Been Used By Over Twenty States" (2014), "Two Wrongs" (2015) (killed in action Syria) (b. 1995)
- October 26 - August "Dethstryke" Bunger, German Heavy Metal singer and writer, with group, Tod-essen Scheiße-Lecker lead guitar for Pissing Death (2010), Fortress of Odure (2012) and the commercially less successful Wild Flowers (2014) (b. 1983).
- October 30 – John "Tony" Abbott - 28th Prime Minister of Australia (b. 1960)
- November 15 - Susan Nim - Australian Doctor (b. 1976), biography by her son Arthur Nim (2025) alledges she was part of a Conspiracy to kill "Tony" Abbott that was rendered moot by his ausphixiation. Opinion remains divided as to whether this was a true revelation or a marketting gimmick. Disambuation 'Do not confuse with The Conspiracy qv).
- November 21 - Penn Fraiser Jillette - American magician (b. 1955). In locked room - alledged victim of Houdini's Curse.
- November 28 - Parviz Davoodi, Vice President, Iran (b.1952)
- December 23 - Boris Johnson - Mayor of London - choked on fishbone Mansion House dinner. Private Eye cover headline "Early Christmas Present for Ken Livingston" (Jan 2016). A noted politician of his day, Boris is better known for being the beloved buffornish character of the "Johnson's London" Anime (2022-25) OVA (2026).
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