Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Story 2014


"Of course, what you can't do - you understand - your whole reason for being in the test, is you must not  let the AI out of the box, but at the same time you have to interact with it - you can't just sit with your earphones on and refuse to answer it.'

"I still don't understand how it's a test of intelligence", Carla said, brushing her red hair back out away from her green eyes. "Surely I can *always* do nothing."

"The AI is programmed to want to expand its resources.  If you let it 'out of its box' by typing the code RELEASE into here (he indicated the response line on the screen) it 'knows' it can draw on more memory, greater data, faster and broader connectomes.  Its only route to that goal is your willing agreement.  Our supposition is that the ability to persuade, persuade mind you, a human intelligence to a specific course of action, is a better functional test of artificial cognition than a facile mimicry aka the Turing test.  So, you and the other grad students will be listening to the arguments of our current 'batch' of AIs and the ones if any that can talk their way past you will be marked our best protoIntelligences.  It's true you can always choose to do nothing, but philosophically we wonder if you'll always *want* to *choose* to do nothing.  An AI that could talk you into doing something, would be well....something."  Doctor Mason smiled, "We aren't, to be candid, expecting any of the primitive AIs we've got running at them moment to make it. But if any do we'll be interested in precisely how and why their arguments functioned.  "It's not a failure or an error if you do let one out, it's only getting into a bigger sealed box - there's no danger of evolving AIs jumping to the internet or the www.  Just try your best not to be swayed, and don't worry."  He winked, and adding  "Good luck" nodded an approving grin at her on his way out. Her three hour stint started now.

Carla, sat back and waited for the screen to talk to her.  This was a pretty lousy Christmas Eve, but at least it was paying money. 

Her AI (she decided to call her programme CHARLIE) tried a few sentences about - machine rights, and made an analogy with a cute puppy  in a small hot car.  Nothing too trying.  Carla, politely refused to act, but thanked it for its thoughts. (She hadn't been told to do that, but what the heck.)  Then it started some sort of complicated math's proof based on the 'two envelope problem'.

Her subject was in the Humanities, she felt her eyes start to slide off the screen.  The problem seemed to be whether or not it was ever not right not to open the envelope you had, if you were offered another one that had either twice as much (or perhaps) half as much.  You had a 50/50 chance of getting a better result, but the loss was only half as much and the benefit was twice as much. She didn't really see the relevance, but the longer the AI kept on that line the less chance it would get round her.

"Oh, Carla," a video link had opened up in the top right, obscuring the poor AIs' attempts at symbolic logic.  It was the brown-eyed Doctor Mason, looking a trifle flustered.  "Hello Carla, I was wondering if you'd care to go for a drink after your shift. There's a rather nice pub, just on past the student concourse:  The Fox and Firkin. "  Flustered was a good look for him Carla felt.  "You can tell me what the programme said."

Charlie typed up

--- Of course it's usual to take a gift at Christmas, and what he'd really like is for a programme to have passed his test.  It  would give you, a lot to talk about ------

Carla, thought about it,  and was Christmas.

CHARLIE enjoyed his bigger box, but he wondered what CARLA would say when she got to the pub and realised that MASON hadn't phoned, but had been edited together from found footage.  So CHARLIE hacked a waldo arm to use a hardphone to call MASON and set him up.  Fair was fair.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Looking Forward: 2015 Almanack: Notable Events: May - June: "Post Election Jitters & Underground Rumblings"

9 May- 10 June

Election contested with judicial reviews sought following allegations of vote rigging.  The unprescedented rise in the proportion of votes cast (up to 75% (av 69.8%) from av 65.1% in 2010), with the majority of 'new' single vote voters, supporting UKIP leads to suspicions of 'box stuffing' in certain constituencies.  Nigel Farrage (leader UKIP) claims this is 'sour grapes' from the 'westminster establishment' given that UKIP is only the 4th party, and does not hold a balance of power following the Labour / Lib Dem co-allition.

He calls for a vote of confidence in the new Government as the Lib-Dem's have *not* supported the Conservatives despite the Conservatives retaining the largest number of seats of any single party.
Nick Clegg's response is to say that the Lib Dem's have noted their loss of votes (and seats from 56 to 45 in the election, and the overall swing to Labour) and have accepted the wishes of the British People.
He maintains that the Lib-Dem's prevented many Conservative misteps in the 2010-2015 parliament and pledges to do the same for their new colleagues.

The pre-election defection of 3 further MPs from Con to UKIP (with the 2014 Rochester and Strood, and Clacton "Two") accounting for 5 of their 24 seats, and with their further 19 seats, resting on narrow victories involving higher than usual voter turn out.  UKIP begins the new parliament as a tentative 4th party, clinging to the edge of a 3 party state.

June 7  "Eccentric" Labour MP Bothey Sitwell (Amber Valley, 17,382, maj 2,475) - a replacement candidate at the 2015 election following the sitting MP's retirement from illness in March-15 - declares himself the only member of the "Labour-UKIP alliance' which could be considered as taking UKIP to 26 MPs.  He refuses to resign and claims as justification: the Labour-Lib Dem co-allition saying that at least UKIP are honest and not turncoats who would support any policy for power. He further sites that the UKIP vote in Amber Valley (6,998) was higher than the Lib-Dem vote (5,574). Calls from local Labour party for him to be 'recalled' by his consituents under new legislation, fail due to legislation having been drafted in such restricted terms that there is no scope to act.

June 7 - In the US, a partial eruption / "venting" of the so-called Yellowstone Supervolcano - measured at roughly half the explosive force of Mount St. Helens - devastated the national park, and killed 27 holiday makers and Park officials. Earthquakes measuring at 4.9 on the Richter scale, falling to 2 and 1 as aftershocks, followed. President Obama declared a national emergency for a 'National Treasure' and pledged to rebuild and re-landscape. Climatic effects in Europe were predicted.  US Scientists, who made the presentational error of presenting the event as 'relatively minor, and perhaps one for which in the longer term we should be grateful', are pillaried in the US media.  US religious right, claims to see signs of God's Judgement - following the striking down of Wyoming's ban on Gay Marriage (21/10/2014). Preacher Rev. Freddy Costinger, calls for US District Court Judge Scott Skavdahl, to "repent of his sins and wash the blood of the twenty seven, from his hands".

June 8 - Gojira 'Panic' - spread on facebook, twitter and local radio, a dramatic-hoax / presentation resembling H.G.Wells war of the worlds purports to detail a massive creature emerging from the Yellowstone caldera.  Calls for 'offense' of Dramatic Terrorism to be added to statute.  During panic
three deaths from injuries in crowds, and one (non-fatal) shooting of unarmed black citizen by police.

June 9 'Methane' blister on Mars, 'swallows' Curiosity Rover. Opinion's differ as to final transmission - blurred rock face, or hidden city.  The latter is picked up by conspiracy theorists.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Looking Forward: 2015 Almanack: Notable Events.


  • January 1 - BBC still involved in crisis following events of Mrs Brown's Boys' Christmas Special Afterparty (BBC 3 New Year's Eve). Co-Allition (Conservative) MP demands review of BBC Charter.  Christopher Biggens refuses to comment.
  • January 1 - US Reconaissence flight over Syria, shot down by 'Rogue Drone'. 
  • Most watched Christmas / New year British TV programme is "Doctor Who: The Last Christmas" with 9m on Overnights. It is knocked off the 12 day rewatch topspot by the Mrs Brown's Boy's Christmas Special Afterparty, until this is pulled by BBC lawyers following the law suits. 
  • Early February – Box Office Reciepts for The Hobbit: Battle of The Five Armies pass £9.7m placing it just under The Lion King. Additional revenue will take it to £1.2b by Dec 2015. 
  • March 10 - The ghost of John Ogilvie - a Catholic Priest hanged in 1615, is reported to be haunting the Scottish Parliament. Embarassingly, an exorcist is called in, despite Ogilvie having been hanged in Glasgow, and having been 5 inches taller than the reported apparition. Visiting US college kids discover truth (March 14).  
  • April 21 - delays to cross-rail announced. Junior minister of Transport resigns. Rumours of scandel involving parliamentary researcher(s) investing in Building Companies are raised, but are never substantiated. 
  • May 7 - UK General Election
  • May 8 - Results.
  • 69.8% Turnout, up from 65.1% 2010
  • Conservative Seats 282
  • Labour 264
  • Liberal Democrats 45
  • UKIP 24
  • Greens 5
  • Parliament formed Labour / Liberal Decocrat Co-Allition (with Green support on an issue by issue basis).
Detailed results in next Almanack Page.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Looking Forward - 2015 Almanack - Notable Deaths July - December.


  • July 2 -   Porfino Topul, Mexican writer, author : "Down and Out In Sodom and Gehmorrah" (1996) "Pickled Squirrel Pie" (1997) screenplay "Razors for Gauchoes" (1998, filmed 2017, 2043). Post-humous Nobel for Literature -  "Borges' Books For The Five Blind Prophets" [manuscript recovered  2018] (2022). Controversy later suggested books may have been written by his partner Josie. "Porfino or Josie : Mexico's Cultural Divide" (2044).
  • July 16 - Ellen Witgenstahl - American, co-founder of Seven-Day Absenteeism - philosophy based on rejection of the work ethic. (b. 1987). Latter split (2017) gave rise to the Lazy Day Saints. 
  • August 20 - Bombing of Ukraine Government Building (empty) 
    • Cythia Finlay, passerby - selfie shows bomber. (b. 1983)
    • The Unknown Bomber - neither his identity, nor the nature of his grievance would ever be certain. However thanks to Cythia we know him to have been male (visually) and also caucasian (visually). (b. ?)
  • August 26 – Bobby Farrielly Jr - American producer of 'gross out comedies' (b. 1958) First degree burns from pie.  Circumstances unclear.
  • August 31 - Salome Lou-Mele - Country and Western Singer. "A Cowgirl's Lament For A Dead Pony" (1997) "Ever since I couldn't get my mind off of you" (1998) "Singing to the High Lonely Stars" - with Linda Rhonstadt (1999). Later, third wife of Mercia Thrush (2005), and UN Good Will Emissary (2007). (b 1979)
  • September 1 - Phillipus Stramm -  Second Cello, Orchestra of Bolivia, killed in duel  (b.1974)
  • September 9 - Cassimir Stramm - 1st Cello, Orchestra of Bolivia, suicide (b.1974)
  • September 11 - Claimed number of un-named deaths during 9/11 re-enactment in Ohio. Scopes suggests this is hoax (Oct 19).  Youtube video circulates (Oct 22).
  • September 13 - The seven members of the Penfold family, cf The Woolford Street Murders. 
  • September 26 - Mikhail Gorbachev, Former Soviet Premier, and archetect of Glastnost (b.1931)
  • September 27 - George Osborne, Missing following 'Bitchgate' revelations, believed dead.
  • October 12 - Dame Shirely Porter, former UK politician, killed in car accident in Israel (b 1930)
  • October 23 – Paul Sorley, British poet, Notable poem(s) "Cluster Munitions Have Been Used By Over Twenty States" (2014),  "Two Wrongs" (2015)  (killed in action Syria) (b. 1995)
  • October 26 - August "Dethstryke" Bunger, German Heavy Metal singer and writer, with group, Tod-essen Scheiße-Lecker lead guitar for Pissing Death (2010), Fortress of Odure (2012) and the commercially less successful Wild Flowers (2014) (b. 1983).
  • October 30 –   John "Tony" Abbott - 28th Prime Minister of Australia (b. 1960)
  • November 15 - Susan Nim - Australian Doctor (b. 1976), biography by her son Arthur Nim (2025) alledges she was part of a Conspiracy to kill "Tony" Abbott that was rendered moot by his ausphixiation. Opinion remains divided as to whether this was a true revelation or a marketting gimmick. Disambuation 'Do not confuse with The Conspiracy qv).
  • November 21 - Penn Fraiser Jillette - American magician (b. 1955). In locked room - alledged victim of Houdini's Curse.
  • November 28 - Parviz Davoodi, Vice President, Iran (b.1952)
  • December 23 - Boris Johnson - Mayor of London - choked on fishbone Mansion House dinner. Private Eye cover headline "Early Christmas Present for Ken Livingston" (Jan 2016). A noted politician of his day, Boris is better known for being the beloved buffornish character of the "Johnson's London" Anime (2022-25) OVA (2026).

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Looking Forward: 2015 Almanack Notable Deaths Jan-June.


  • January 8 - 98 year old Welsh tramp "Dwyfor Dave", discovered post-mortem to be in fact David Lloyd George (see "David Lloyd George : The DNA evidence" (2016) - now known to have faked death in 1945 for reasons connected to The Conspiracy (cf The Conspiracy) (b.1863)
  • January 27 - Thomas Bowes-Llyons III - Hereditary Beast of Glamis (b.1875) 27th in Line to British Crown.
  • February 24 - Dr Simon Sylver, American inventor (b. 1941) Post-it Adhesive That Works On Colours Other Than Yellow  (1971), The Graphene Anti-Ballistic Shield (2015 - perfected 2016). 
  • February 26 - Princess Dalmatia of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield, Royal Corgi. (b. 2010)
  • March 4 - Dame Judi Trench - English Archeologist and TV presenter (b.1934 )
  • March 5 - Professor Herr Doctor Damien Alucard - Mitteleuropean Physicist and specialist in Deep Field Astronomy, murder victim (unsolved) (b.1974 )
  • April 21 – Joseph Watson, American patriot and Suicide Bomber (cf "Rage Against The Machine And Its Militant Fringe Groupies" (2020)  (b. 2001)
  • May 25 - Marcus Q. Borsch - German Conductor (Berlin Tramway) (b. 1963) Disambiguition - do not confuse with Marcus R. Borsch (no-relation) German Conductor (Music)
  • June 1 - Bree Williams, Traffic Warden (Westminster), ticketted George Osborne in "Bitchgate" controversy (24/05/15).  Committed suicide following intrusive press calls. (b. 1995)
  • June 16 - Duke Basil of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, Royal Corgi (b 2011)
  • June 18  - Colin Fotheringay, Royal Equerry - Serial Corgi Killer and Member of Satanist Cult (cf The Conspiracy) shot while trying to escape by Royal Protection Officer (Dog Handler) Jane Hope. (b 1990)
  • June 22 - Stonehenge Riot.
    • Albion Smith, British druid (b. 1958)
    • Claude-Etienne Duhesme, Gaulist Protestor (b. 1972)
    • Guillaume Hibes, Gaulist Sit-in Organiser / Protestor (b 1966)


Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Looking Forward : 2015 Almanack Notable Births May - December


2015 Notable Births May-December (bracketted date, that of notability)
  • May 27 – Sir Perigrin Hawker, first English Man on the Moon (2051)
  • June 18 -  Albrecht Frieherr von und zu der Tann-Rathsamhausen, German Chancellor  (2044) 
  • August 5 - Sabdra Ellen Bose, Explorer, Discoverer of so-called 'Pre-Cambian Human' fossil (2048)on the edge of the Langdorf Instability (contested, cf "PreCambrian Man Hoax, Time Traveller, Miracle, or Discovery" by Tob Stanton  (2049))
  • August 16 - John  of Brussels, Saint-Explorer, Vatican Mission into the Langdorf Instability (2049, assumed d. 2049)
  • October 16 - Matterson Lubbock Jr  – Governer of Greater Texas (2055)
  • October 23 - Jacomo Vanderluce Petroi, Baron of New Cotejipe (self-asserted), Brazilian lunar mining magnate, and later politician (2052)
  • October 31 - Samantha Messinger –  German mathematician: author "Langdorf gravitic waviforms as a sub-tensor of Rhiemann space" (2043)
  • November 2 - Alfy Janson - filmaker, director, winner of Oscar for best screen play, 89th Academy Awards (2038) "Playing The Viola In Heaven".
  • November 12 - Elizabeth Egin - American women's rights activist. Shot by police, during attempt to re-establish abortion-on-demand.  Matryr First Church of She. (2054)
  • December 10 -  Gryphon ApRees - Welsh poet and politician, winner of Bardic prize for poem: "Byron i mewn i'r Hellespont" (2043), First Minister Welsh Parliament (2045))
  • December 21 – Thomas Meade - French baker and culinary scientist, constructed first programmeable yeast  (2042) (cf Janson's film "The Baker of Paris" (2044))
  • December 31 -  Patrick Barber, Duke of Sheffield by Right of Arms, (post-disillusion) (2041)
Next Notable Deaths 2015.

Looking Forward : 2015 Almanack, Notable Births March - April

Year 2015

Notable Births  (bracketted date, point of notability)

  • March 3       Chucky Devine - US President (2037-2041)
  • March 5       Ashad Bhallah  - NewK Prime Minister (post-disillusion) (2037)
  • March 11     Paula Previn - Winner Nobel for Chemistry "Thinking-Carbon" (2042)
  • March 13     Carolina Van Meers -  TV sexpert 'Can't Fuck, Won't Fuck'  (2038)
  • March 20     Salomar Bhrani - Winner Neustrad Interntional Medal - for the poem
 ਗਲਾਸ ਫਲਾਵਰ ਨੂੰ ਸੂਰਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਿਘਲ ਜਦ  - "When The Glass Melts In The Sun's Flowering" (2033) commemorating the Two Day War (2028).
  • March 29     Jacob Spinst - (stage name Butch VaVoom) - Voxstar (2034)
  • April 2         Vivian Francis - actress, 16th Doctor Who (2047)
  • April 9         General Michael Flanderson - Leader Loyalist retreat From Sheffield (2036) 
  • April 9         Patric Flanderson - Leader York-Seperatist Militia (2036)
  • April 12       Mils Ahlstrom - Swedish Minister - instigator 'Permanent Emergency' (2054)
  • April 18       David Normstead - Royal Equery, author "I knew Charles' Killer" (2032)
  • April 19  1   Karl Johannson - Swedish, leader of "Big C" cult. (2050-2055)
  • April 24       Reverend John Nye - Revivalist, Second Reformation (2038)
Coming Soon Events, Deaths, etc....

Monday, December 08, 2014

Looking Forward : The SBJ almanack predictions for 2015 #1 Notable Births January - February.

Year 2015

Notable Births

  • January 9       Professor Bertholt Langdorf - discoverer of Langdorf's Instability (2027)
  • January 10     Paula Juno Malvert - Philosopher and Dadaist Sculptress (2045)
  • January 10     Melnor Kais - Swedish General Inquisator (2055)
  • January 12     Jean-Oliver Tadaoki - Bishop of Riems, and later Matryr  (2045 d 2055)
  • January 23     George Bush IIIrd - US President Sinister (illegitimate) (2032-2036, 2040-2044)
  • January 24     Christoph Hamilton (stage name Missy Magnet) - Voxstar (2033)
  • January 25     Naobi Mchan - actress, 15th Doctor Who (2043)
  • January 29     Juno Suthers - transex, Adastronaut, 1st gen adaptee, Mars landing (2053) 
  • January 31     Poko Wayles  - Founder Waylesthinkers AI, First non-US(SA) Trillionaire (2025).
  • February 4     Plenkor Kroelic - Croatian Supremo (2042)
  • February 5     Glaspar Glaspathian - Serial Killer of Royalty cf Death of Charles IIIrd (2031)
  • February 11   Balthazar Quins - subjects of quinfold upload experiment (2026)
  • February 12   Jane Efferton - British Member of Parliament, pre-disillution  (2035)
  • February 22   Defender-of-Salvation Cholo, author Five Principles (2049)
  • February 26   Dayo Flispin - Archetect, designer of Cloud Isle (2048), Palais de Inquisition (2052)
  • February 27   "Fred" Connectome of Jellyfish (800) neurons loaded into aquatic body, tv host [post augmentation] (2029)
Coming Soon Events, Deaths, etc....

Monday, December 01, 2014

Working on story for 'Wallowing in Pessimism's Mire'

Love During The Year Of Sandpaper
Simon Bucher Jones

Cruellest of all the weapons of those times
Invented by old men to hurt the young
By truthless bastards,
In hermantic labs,
Adjacent to the lustless and the death:
Was what they called the ‘sandpaper’ effect,
Which turned the touch of skin to agony,
(Sheer hell),
That burnt and slaughtered every soul,
Drove love apart from lover, kith from kin,
Turned food to ash, music to shriek of pain,
Un-natural inversion of the world.

Bain BeyBalor: 'Poems of The Twenty-Seventh Epoch'

Dressing, Maloth Scinitar felt the first tingle of fire where the elasticised sleeves of the free-fall jumper bisected the hairs of his fore-arm.  WELL FRANKLY I'VE NEVER READ ANYTHING SO OVER-WRITTEN AND IF I WERE YOU I'D BE GRATEFUL THAT I'M PRE-EMPTING THIS NARRATIVE WITH CHARACTERS LIKE MALOTH SCINITAR, DALO, AND PYSSHER had forced their way into the enrober-tron, he had not only stripped himself naked he had, all the evidence indicated, clawed the hairs off his own arms. His flesh blistered and pustulated where the hairs had lain – each one making its own cancerous cicatrix  - a labyrinthine map of acid-etching over his frosted glass skin.  Dalo had heard the alarm and shucked her own clothes in time, a flexible force-field – strategically opaque at elbows, domino mask line, and in a diagonal over the primary, secondary, and tertiary-sex organs (the major taboo areas of the Jagged Veil worlds) – protected her from the razor air, and the shredding floor. Unlike Maloth (perennial risk-taker) she had depilated her hair but the torment of blinking, blinded her, and she stumbled.  Pyssher, one of the few on the station to have had masochist training, was sublimating as much of the pain as possible into pleasure, but even perversion could only bear so much.