Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The City of Eeee (part 1: eschatology)

Eeee’s ecclesiasts (explicitly envisaging eternity) explain Eeee’s eras encompass eighty eight eons, each epoch ending either explosively elsewise entropically. Eeee’s environs enclose eighty eight established Educational Establishments each emphasising entirely epochal events. Educational-evangelists expound extravagantly each eventuality every epoch exposes: evidence entitling epochal exclusions, Eeee expunges. Events, eccentric, exceptional, extramundane, extravagant, each equally end entropaically, Eeee’s educationalists expound.
Extra-curricular enclaves exist (extralegal, entrapment enforcing exile). Enclavists entertain extreme eschatologies, endeavouring emigration elsewhere escaping explosion equally estuing entropy.

Simon BJ


Site Owner said...

In fact the paradox of Eeee which it is almost impossible to express within the city, is that by seeking to illegally emigrate one is exiled, that is permitted to emigrate - albeit perhaps not at the cataclysmic time wished.

Simon BJ

Anonymous said...

I love it.

Site Owner said...

I can't believe I missed an 'or'.
I will quickly edit this before anyone notices...

Simon BJ