Thursday, December 06, 2012

Depressive Doctor Suess

"Most people are stupid! Most people are bad!
And life's lost the appeal that it might once have had!"

They burden their fellows, they cheat and they sneer,
The purpose of people is not clear, I fear.
So having this notion, I started to stew,
I brewed up this potion called 'What-we-can-do'.
It's basically anthrax, but it has a plus-pinch,
A plus-pinch which makes them turn green as a grinch.
They splutter and smitter and clooter and spurl,
And turn into gloop that may just make you hurl.
And when it is over and most have dissolved,
We may take it, the problem of people is solved.

[First two lines suggested, by Jim Smith.]

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