Monday, January 23, 2012

True Prophesies

What crawls around the corners of our sight?
But all our endings coming slowly back
Limping, once prodigal, beaten and in fright
They come by night because they fear the light
For they have lived in darkness, on the rack.
What crawls around the corners of our sight?
But all the once desired, and things that might
Have been, had we defeated life's attack
Limping, once prodigal, beaten and in fright
They seek a sanctuary whose shelves are light
For Vikings long made pillage there and sack.
What crawls around the corners of our sight?
But hopeless hopes, and dreams that end in blight
And all our cries to Gods, when Gods we lack,
Limping, once prodigal, beaten and in fright
And we try to appease them, and bind tight
Their wounds which are our foreseen bloody track.
What crawls around the corners of our sight
Limping, once prodigal, beaten and in fright?

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