Monday, August 23, 2010

Poem to do what rain can not

If rain can sluice the darkness from city walls
Why can't it clean the gutters of the mind?
Pit-pat in multitudes down synapses;
New gleaming axons, setting neurons right;
Drench hate, drown fear, shock-soak the dull dismay,
That otherwise paints grim inside the eyes.

If rain can sluice the darkness from city walls
Why can't it send rubber ducks through the mind?
Bobbing on river swell, each one a new thought;
Crossing oceans, in cheerful childjoy, fun-pack;
Brightening the old sargassos of sour dreams;
That otherwise persist to trouble sleep.

If rain can sluice the darkness from city walls
Why can't it build and pressure-hose the mind?
Blast powerfully as floods, at ill-built belief
Sweep past self-doubt, whirlpool the day's debris;
Shred all the flotsum of our fevered selves;
That otherwise prevent our true release.

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