Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Facebook Stories III

Practical Theologistics: Question One. Take one soul and give it different environments and genetics, is it always either good or bad? What does this tell you about (a) souls,(b) environments, (c) genetics. Candidates are not allowed use of Omniscience during Practical Exams.


The problem of Evil solved: This Universe is Certificate 18. We chose it before birth because U category Universes look less exciting.


The really surprising thing about time travel was when Hitler was accidentally squashed by a massive butterfly from the future.


Students of ceremonial magick will recall a true magus must make all his occult and ritual tools from scratch. With an attitude like that new agers have a nerve telling rationalists off about recycling.


Get your book published by beaming it back in time into the brain of a famous author! What's that *you* wanted the fame, money and groupies? Get out of my office! Retroprinting is not for philistines.


Slight-Over-Average-Man was regarded as a lesser hyperhuman until he got into a fist fight one on one with Doctor MegaKill.


The worst thing about the Fashion Zombies was their killer accessories. You just didn't want to get in reach of their clutches.


The Terror of the Demon Lord Varparlioth and his Iridium Horde, the Horror of his Great Hounds: Misery and Despair, were nevertheless slightly ameliorated by the naming of his Great War Horse: Woe. His juddering advance caused much sniggering amid the Death-Orc Legionry.


Since religious war entered its 'potlatch' phase back in the 16th century: both the Holy Roman Empire and the Protestant states have out done each other in dismantling costly churches and giving to the poor. What, one wonders, will be the end of this Alms Race.


The anti-missile barrier is composed of almost imperceptable attomolecular fibre. Its discovery dates back to 1837 almost two hundred years to the (then) new ceremonial garments of our beloved Emperor's great great great grandfather.


The UN ban on tripwire technologies continues to lead to smuggling of illicit pleasure centre programs to AI addicts.


While every hording promises Transparency In Government a small group of highly visible revolutionaries strike back at King Griffen the First.


Owing to a misprint in the lyrics of Hair, Aquazoo, Fishworld, and Megapond Inc withdrew their sponsorship of the controversal musical.

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